Што е тоа персонализирана исхрана ? #1

Пренесувам краток совет и сублимирано знаење од врвниот светски нутриционист Dr. David Heber за тоа што е персонализирана програма за исхрана.

Благодарни сме што ние, членовите на Herbalife Nutrition, имаме ваква исклучителна можност да учиме од прва рака врвна наука и да сме тренери за исхрана кои знаат на едноставен начин да пренесат практични информации кои секому му требаат за да практикуваат правилна исхрана и здрави навики.


Personalized Nutrition uses information on your Personal Characteristics to develop targeted nutritional advice, products, and services to achieve lasting changes in diet and lifestyle.

Body composition, body shape, differences in muscle and lean body mass, genetics, the Microbiome, Genetics, food intake, sleep, and exercise are all personal aspects that can affect your Nutrition (see slide). Personalized Nutrition replaces “one size fits all” advice such as eat less and exercise more with targeted advice for you using diet, supplements, and exercise.

Your body can adapt over time to different diets, but constantly exceeding the limits your body can withstand through poor diet and sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity.

In this series, you will learn how Personalized Nutrition and Exercise can help you maintain a healthy Body Weight and Shape!!!

Next time, I will talk about how your Genes Work!! So Stay Tuned!!! #drdavidheber #nutrition #personalized to learn more go to www.drdavidheber.com and www.herbalifenutritioninstitute.com

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